What is a 609 Credit Repair Letter?

By Gerald Dunigan

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Improving your credit score can often be a tricky process. You may have heard of a 609 letter as a method to give your score a boost. This is a generally effective way of disputing any inaccurate information that you may find while skimming your credit report. Having defective information on your personal report can truly ruin your score. Luckily, there are many ways to challenge incorrect material that may reside on your credit report.

609 credit repair letter

In fact, the Fair Credit Reporting Act has a full section dedicated to making sure you are able to challenge anything on your report that you believe to be untrue. In order to accomplish this, consumers are able to write 609 dispute letters to request any needed information. Writing these letters can be nerve-wracking, so we’ve put together some resourceful information and examples of a dispute letter that might be able to assist you.

Throughout this article, we will go over the following topics:

  • What exactly is section 609, and how you can use it to your benefit
  • What entails a credit dispute letter
  • Different methods on how to write credit dispute letters
  • When is the best time to send dispute credit report letters

What is Section 609 of the FCRA?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act was passed recently in 1970. The act’s purpose was to allow consumers to have the ability to take action in regard to their own credit. The full act can be read here. Once the specific section 609 FCRA was created, people finally had a hassle-free option of boosting their score back to where it should have been in the first place.

The Section 609 credit repair of the FCRA basically addresses every individual’s right to have a full understanding of what their credit report looks like. You have every right to request your own consumer information in regards to your credit. This allows for clear and accurate disclosure. The section directly states, “Every consumer reporting agency shall, upon request … clearly and accurately disclose to the consumer.” There is no exception to this rule, and every consumer has the authority to partake. If you are looking for additional ways to contradict unwanted statements on your report, this article has other methods that you can engage in.

Upon receipt of information, you are then able to write a credit report dispute letter to acknowledge any fault that you may have found during your personal research. We will go over exactly what this entails in further sections.

How Does a 609 Letter Work?

A letter to creditors can be a simple task. There is no need to fret about jazzing it up when you can plainly state the basics. In a section 609 FCRA letter, you are able to request the following information:

  • The entirety of credit files in regards to your consumer credit report
  • Where all of that information is coming from, AKA the source
  • A list of previous potential employers that had requested access to your report (this can only be within the past two years.)
  • Any business in the past couple of years that had made soft inquiries

Once this information is requested, you are now able to do your own research and find any statements that look faulty to you. The whole point of the letter is to further verify each piece of information. The credit bureau is only able to report verified information. That being said, if you present an inaccuracy and it, in fact, was not able to be verified, the bureau will delete the incident off of your report. If you are successful in your 609 credit repair and officially get an unsubstantial statement removed, your credit score may have the potential to revert back to its original, proper place.

What 609 Letters Can’t Do?

Credit report dispute letters are not miracle workers. They can only help you if there is truly a mistake that was not your fault. Oftentimes, consumers attempt to write letters challenging marks that were indeed their fault. If this is the case, these statements are easily verified and returned to your file once again.

Credit dispute letters that work are not attempting to rid marks that are accurately placed. Make sure you remember this when you are writing your own dispute letters to the credit bureau. If you are unsure of a statement and uncertain of whether or not a mark is just, it won’t hurt you to dispute it, just in case. The worst-case scenario is that the remark is held true and continues to stay on your credit report. Since it was already there, to begin with, no harm will be done.

609 Letter Templates

609 Letter Templates

For many, writing the dispute letter is the hardest part, but it definitely does not need to be. You do not need a fancy degree or high knowledge of financials to be able to write this letter. All you need is an understanding of what you are looking for. There are many types of 609 letters that you can write. It all depends on your end goal for the process. Are you trying to request verification or dispute information? You will need to figure this out first before you proceed to write.

There are many key factors to include when writing your letter. Be sure to include your personal and contact information. Do not forget to include your mailing return address on the back of the envelope as well. In your letter, you want to clearly state the error you found in your report, and say that it was incorrectly stated or made without your consent. After, ask for the statement to be verified and validated properly, and inform the reader that you are requesting immediate removal once the report is verified. You are also able to ask for proof if they say that the remark is correctly placed.

Although there is no correct or incorrect way to write this type of letter, If you realize that you are struggling to come up with a letter on your own, do not hesitate to use a 609 letter template. There are many templates on the internet that are available for use. Here are some free 609 dispute letters that you can use if needed. The following letters will require you to input your personal information, so make sure you do not simply copy and paste. It will also help to change some phrases or sentences to make sure the letters are personalized for your exact case. Each case is different, so make your letter perfect for yours. Hopefully, these sample templates will make the work a lot easier for you.

Template #1

To whom it may concern,

My name is [paste name], and I looked at my credit report and was shocked to see some errors that have been listed. I am writing to have them removed as soon as possible. The following accounts need to be removed [paste account information]. Please verify and validate all data for this account including, but not limited to every notation, dates, balances, and whether or not it has been reported.

This inquiry was made without my knowledge or consent, and I would like to be provided proof that I consented to this inquiry via FCRA section 609 as well as the accuracy of this inquiry. If you have no proof of any or one, I would like it removed immediately. I can be reached at the following phone number. [paste phone number]

Thank you for your consideration.


[paste your name]

Template #2

To whom it may concern,

My name is [paste name]. I am writing to you to dispute some remarks on my credit report file. It has come to my attention that there was an inquiry made on [paste date] that I did not sign for. I would like verification of these remarks and would like them removed immediately if they are in error. Please validate this claim.

The inquiry states that [describe the inquiry in question]. However, this is not accurate to my knowledge. I did not consent to this inquiry and would like it corrected. All necessary documentation is attached to this letter, and I have encircled all of the important remarks in question.  I can be reached at the following phone number. [paste phone number]

I look forward to your prompt response and thank you for your consideration.


[paste your name]

When to Send a 609 Letter?

Sending your credit inquiry removal letter needs to happen at the right time. Sending the letter too late could result in many potential obstacles. If an account closes before the letter is sent, the remark may not be removed from your credit file. Because of this, it is most important to send the letter as soon as you notice any accuracy in your credit report.

To make sure that you are catching errors in a timely manner, it is important to check your credit report often. This way, you can see if your score happens to drastically decrease without any warning. You can use websites such as Credit Karma to make these checks. Websites like this help you understand why your score is changing. It keeps track of different inquiries and payments made. It basically tracks anything that has the potential to affect your credit score. You are also able to see your reports as a soft inquiry, so it never hurts your score. By checking often, you will always be able to send your 609 letter on time without any worry.


Keeping your credit score in a good place is an important life skill, so do not let your good credit score be dwindled down by false information! Now that you know what 609 dispute letters can and cannot do, you can stay on top of your score! 609 letters are extremely important when it comes to disputed information. Make sure you learn the rights and wrongs of writing a letter to ensure that you have the best chance to remove any unwanted marks on your report. When in doubt, feel free to use a reputable credit repair professional such as Lexington Law or CreditRepair.

Websites such as CreditFixed have loads of credit repair secrets that can help you with your 609 letter along with many other credit-related inquiries. Pay attention to your credit report often. It is important to keep an eye out so that you are aware if anything seems astray. Before you know it, you will be an expert at managing your own credit score!